The Davidoff Robusto Real Especiales 7 crosses new boundaries of craftsmanship. In search of new sensations, the cigar gathers tobaccos from seven different regions, blended in perfect harmony to create a truly unique cigar experience.
Some said ‘more than four filler leaves makes rolling cigars with consistent draws more challenging’. Davidoff wanted to challenge those norms, and did so when the cigar first launched in 2004 with a blend beautifully filled with five filler tobaccos.
Exceptional, pioneering blending is found in all Davidoff white label cigars. In the Robusto Real Especiales 7 you will find the same Dominican origin ingredients which are featured in our iconic Signature, Grand Cru, Aniversario and Millennium lines.
The Robusto Real Especiales 7 vintage cigar is now available again for a limited time. It gives you a second chance to experience a cigar ‘first’. Another chance to savor this complex, yet silky smooth recipe with one taste that will take you somewhere you have never discovered.
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