The Davidoff Year of the Tiger cigar is presented in a spectacular box of ten with a transparent, glass lid that features a golden tiger. A Connecticut wrapper, the first for a Davidoff Limited Edition, is found in an exceptional Piramides format. This cigar is the ideal gift for anyone who wants to celebrate the Chinese New Year. The boxes are accompanied with a red envelope which can be used to hand out “lucky money,” a Chinese tradition on special occasions.
Powerful and dynamic with senses sharpened by their awareness of their surroundings.
The Tiger is always ready to seize an opportunity. They have the energy, vigor and determination to do so. The Tiger will not backtrack once a decision or a direction is chosen. There is no regret. They are strong in spirit and will.
This confidence inspires trust in others. Their openness makes them, for all their prowess, approachable. Tigers are born leaders.
This Limited Edition cigar reflects the Tiger perfectly. With flavors as bold as the Tiger’s personality and its stripes, they too are leaders when it comes to quality and craft. The Tiger’s keen perception will naturally sense this immediately. And, as if looking in the mirror, recognize the majesty of a great cigar.
Wrapper: Connecticut – Ecuador
Binder: Hybrid 275 Seco – DR
Filler: Piloto Ligero, San Vicente Mejorado Seco, San Vicente Mejorado Visus, Hybrid 254 Visus, Hybrid 259 Seco – DR
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