To commemorate Davidoff’s 50th Anniversary, Davidoff launches a second Chef’s Edition in collaboration with five taste pioneers from around the globe. These decorated Chefs are pioneers in their own right, embodying the wider world philosophy that we at Davidoff embrace in our recipes.
In Davidoff’s search for discovery of exciting new taste experiences, we brought together five of the most innovative chefs from around the world to collaborate with our Master Blenders to make something special.
They already shared many beliefs: The importance of the ingredients. The perfection of the preparation. The courage to explore. The satisfaction in the enjoyment of the outcome.
The result of the pioneering Chefs with our Master Blenders, like their recipes, is a revelation. Perfect for after dinner or to match the most complex dish, the ingredients are balanced in a way only the best chefs could imagine.
This exceptional, worldly Toro blend represents a multitude of flavors and origins, comprised of the finest ingredients. Experience flavors of pepper, coffee, chocolate and licorice, sure to please even the most sophisticated palate.
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