The Original Davidoff Robusto Intenso, launched in 2005
In the year 2005, Davidoff’s Master Blenders delivered on a pioneering challenge true to their founder Zino Davidoff: to create a cigar experience that is intense and complex, yet also exhilarant and smooth. For this task, they had masterfully achieved to blend tobaccos from five different regions of the Dominican Republic with an Ecuadorian wrapper and created the famed and highly decorated Robusto Intenso.
The Robusto cigar, with tobaccos aged for seven years, will be available in 10-ct bundles for a limited time only.
Tasting Notes
The smoke begins with a high strength and a right complexity, in balance with the first.
Between the first two thirds there is a well marked, clear evolution, and hints tending to sweet appear, which enhance the creaminess of the already dense smoke.
The last third tended towards bitter flavors; strength decreases as the smoke progresses.
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