Davidoff Small Batch Cigars: Davidoff adds a touch to its distinct assortment of premium cigars. Their master blenders have created a range of medium to full-bodied blends. They used rare and exquisite tobaccos from Ecuador, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, and the Dominican Republic.
Davidoff cigars have a classic white ring that symbolizes sophistication and refinement. Additionally, a “Small Batch” second band emphasizes the cigar’s rarity.
Depending on tobacco availability and blend, the production could be as limited as 1,300 cigars. The cigars are available in the popular Toro, Robusto, Belicoso and Corona Extra formats.
Davidoff Small Batch Cigars packages each release in bundles of five or ten cigars:
- Small Batch No 1 is a Robusto cigar that is 5 1/2 inches long and has a ring gauge of 52. Made with an Ecuadoran wrapper, Dominican binder, and filler leaves from Honduras and the Dominican Republic.
- Small Batch No 2 is an all-Dominican blend to create a Toro cigar.
- Small Batch No 3 is a Robusto cigar that measures 5 1/2 by 50. It has an Ecuadoran wrapper, Mexican binder, and Dominican Republic filler.
- Small Batch No 4 is a Robusto cigar that is 5 1/2 inches long and 52 inches wide. The cigar contains a wrapper and binder from Ecuador and filler tobacco from the Dominican Republic.
- Small Batch No 7 is a Toro cigar that measures 6 by 55. It has a wrapper from Ecuador, with a Dominican binder and filler.
- Small Batch No 8 is a 5 1/2 by 46 Corona Extra cigar. It has an Ecuadoran wrapper, Dominican binder, and filler from Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic.
- Small Batch No 11: Another 5 1/2-by-52 Robusto. This Davidoff Cigar is unique. This special Davidoff cigar has a wrapper from Ecuador, a binder from the Dominican Republic, and filler from Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic.
- Small Batch No 12 is a 6 by 52 Belicoso cigar wrapped in an Ecuadoran cover leaf. It contains binder and filler tobacco from the Dominican Republic.
- Small Batch No 16: A Dominican puro at 6 by 54 called Toro (a different Dominican blend than Small Batch No. 2).
Zino Davidoff would have been proud of these Master Blender Eladio Diaz cigars.
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