The Davidoff Aniversario No. 1 2023 Limited Edition cigar surely has its place in a gallery of the great cigars. Made to celebrate Zino Davidoff ’s 80th anniversary, or birthday, and in keeping with the Davidoff way, this cigar was conceived differently, cut differently, a blend as exceptional as the occasion.
The Davidoff Aniversario No 1 is one of Davidoff’s most prolific and well-known cigars available. It has an unprecedented consistency and taste. It is a true celebratory cigar. This mild Davidoff has a great taste and truly makes a statement. This cigar will last the average smoker approximately two hours and ten minutes. The Aniversario #1 is like smoking candy, delicate in taste but will leave you asking for another.
Davidoff has brought back this singularly smooth cigar for a limited period to be enjoyed again by both those who know its rare qualities and those who have yet to have the pleasure. It takes time to enjoy. It took inspiration to imagine. And it has taken Davidoff artistry to recreate.
The Idea
Davidoff’s brand history is rich in exceptional cigar innovations and iconic achievements. Back in their time, these innovations, amongst them the famous Aniversario No. 1, were groundbreaking and caused quite a stir in the cigar world with their excellence in craftsmanship and their uniqueness. To many aficionados, the cigars from that period are legendary creations they like to reminisce about.
To support the White Band Collection, Davidoff is re-releasing three iconic White Band formats from the past as limited editions. The limited editions will be highly sought after by collectors and aficionados and trigger buzz around the world.
Davidoff now releases the third limited edition of the series of four, bringing back the former Aniversario No. 1 as the Davidoff Aniversario No. 1 Limited Edition Collection. The cigars come in a wooden cabinet slide lid box, which is elegantly framed by the line colour. Out of the ten double corona cigars, one comes in a wooden tubo which depicts the vintage Aniversario design with a wreath and thus honours the original release. The Aniversario line was launched on Zino Davidoff’s 80th birthday in 1986. Still today, Davidoff Aniversario is the ideal cigar to fill special times beautifully.
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