The Rare Finds blend 1101-42 robusto cigar was crafted by Henke and Klaas Kelner excessively for the Tobacconist of Greenwich in late 2023. Each finished cigar is aged 6-months prior to packing and produced in limited runs. This product will be available ONLY when cigars are aged fully and ready to ship to the United States. Pre-orders are strongly recommended.
A unique collaboration with the distinguished Kelner Family.
For decades “Henke” Kelner and his son, Klaas, have been regarded as the foremost authorities in the world of premium cigars. Henke, a member of the Cigar Aficionado “Hall of Fame” is globally recognized for his decades of dedication to delivering supreme levels of quality and taste.
The father and son duo have graciously delivered this special project, where the quality of the cigar does the talking. Presented elegantly to showcase the natural beauty and unprecedented skill of these two amazing craftsman.
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